Case Study (WA Museum)
WA Museum needed a WHS specialist to facilitate work health and safety risk assessment workshops, development of a WHS Management System that aligns with the Western Australian WHS Act / Regulations and consult on a range of WHS topics following the WHS legislative changes.
Under the WHS Act, the WA Museum required the specific expertise of an accredited WHS safety consultancy to conduct an independent audit into our WHS management systems in order for us to develop a project plan to meet compliance.
Safety Solutions WA initially undertook a desk top audit of the WA Museums WHS management system to identify gaps between this system and our compliance obligations under the WHS Act 2020. This included recommendations for improvement.
Following this review, Safety Solutions WA undertook:
- A review of site operations and typical risks at our sites
- A presentation to our Board of Directors on key changes relevant to WA Museum as a result of new WHS Legislation and Regulations
- Risk workshops at 8 sites to build risk register and identify areas for additional controls and plans
- Delivery of WHS Management system incorporating current WA Museum materials, policies and processes.
SSWA assisted with the shift in knowledge and understanding of our leaders on the changes required to move towards compliance with the WHS Act 2020 and contributed to a project plan to implement these changes based on risk assessed priorities. The information and materials to support this implementation were provided so that the WA Museum can now move forward with implementation and continuous improvement (knowing we are on the right track!).
The WA Museum engaged with a number of individual consultants at Safety Solutions WA, all of whom were professional, knowledgeable, supportive and proactive. They were able to deliver or address the requirements of each audience: whether our Board of Directors, our operational site manager, or our Scientists in a way that ‘translated’ the WHS legislation specific to their needs in a way they could relate to.