A common gap identified during our Workplace OSH Compliance Audits, both legislative based and higher certification levels (WorkSafe Plan, AS/NZS, ISO, OFSC) is how company’s manage their contractors.
Impending changes to the WHS Act will significantly increase the Health and Safety expectations placed upon those engaging, monitoring and working with contractors / sub-contractors.
Have you considered how you manage your contractors? Do you have some form of process in place?
Do you:
- Conduct procurement processes to ensure the contractor is suitable for the position and has the required training and licences?
- Request legislatively required items such as:
- Risk assessments for work such as Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS)
- Current electrical registers
- Current register of hazardous substances, current Material Safety Data Sheets and hazardous substance risk assessments
- Include contractors in an induction process?
- Obtain licences and training, following up when these are due for renewal?
- Communicate your health and safety expectations with providing safety documentation such as a safety management plan and company risk register?
- Follow your own Consultation and Communication processes to include your contractors?
- Include in toolbox meetings
- Consult when any changes to workplace arrangements occur that could affect the health and safety of the contractors or affect their work procedures.
Contact the Safety Solutions WA team to further discuss contractor management and to help make your workplace safer.